Bibliotheken läuten das Ende der Mukibuden ein …

Bibliotheken in den USA testen die Einführung von Fitdesks. Da können Studenten gleichzeitig Pedale treten und lesen/lernen … Der Lesesaal als Work (out) Zone!

PEDALING TOWARD THE FUTURE. Texas A&M libraries install bike desks to keep with changing times

After many miles, three textbook chapters and five quizzes, it’s safe to say senior Caroline Garcia made the most of her time studying on one of the Texas A&M library’s new bike desks.

The communications major, who was studying in Sterling C. Evans Library on Wednesday, said not only was she happy with her productivity, but she even found the FitDesk Bike Desk to be more comfortable than its counterparts at the university’s student recreation center.

The six stationary bike desks were installed and open for use Tuesday in three locations across the campus: Evans Library, the West Campus Library and the Medical Sciences Library. The adjustable units include an attached desk space, a water bottle holder and a ride computer to track the time, distance and calories burned during each session.

Jared Hoppenfeld, interim director of the West Campus Library, said at about $300 per unit, he is confident the bikes will be a good investment. He said not two minutes after installing the units at his library, a group of students had already gathered around to give them a try. …


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