„BibliothekarIn 3.0“ – COAR-Task Force „Librarians’ Competencies for E-Research and Scholarly Communication“ veröffentlicht erste Kompetenzprofile

The aim of this task force is to produce a number of competency profiles that will help to build capacity in libraries for supporting new roles in the area of scholarly communication and e-research. The profiles will enable library managers to identify skill gaps in their institution, form the basis of job descriptions, enable professionals to carry out self-assessments, and act as a foundation for the development of training programs for librarians and library professionals. In addition, the toolkit will provide an outline of new organizational models that are evolving in this dynamic environment.

  • Librarians’ Competencies for Research Data Management

Research data management encompasses a wide array of activities across the research data lifecycle. Generally, it requires a high level of interaction with researchers and also working with other support services including technical services and research officers. View Full Profile

  • Librarians’ Competencies for Scholarly Communication and Open Access

Library activities in scholarly communication and open access typically fall into one of four categories: scholarly publishing services; open access repository services; for copyright and open access advice; and assessment of scholarly resources. View Full Profile

  • Librarians’ Competencies for Digital Humanities (coming soon)
  • Librarians’ Competencies for Digital Curation/Preservation (coming soon)
  • Librarians’ Competencies for Research Impact (coming soon)

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