Die Beiträge des Symposiums des Berkeley Center for Law and Technology „ORPHAN WORKS & MASS DIGITIZATION: OBSTACLES & OPPORTUNITIES“ aus dem jahre 2012 sind nun inm Berkely Technology Law Journal Volume 27, Issue 3 (Symposium 2012) erschienen:
- Keynote Address: Orphan Works & Mass Digitization: Obstacles & Opportunities (PDF 458Kb)
by Maria A. Pallante
- Private Digital Libraries and Orphan Works (PDF 233Kb)
by Randal C. Picker
- The Orphans, the Market, and the Copyright Dogma: A Modest Solution for a Grand Problem (PDF 376Kb)
by Ariel Katz
- The Orphan Works Chimera and How to Defeat It: A View From Across the Atlantic (PDF 292Kb)
by Stef van Gompel
- How Fair Use Can Help Solve the Orphan Works Problem (PDF 374Kb)
by Jennifer M. Urban
- Abandoning the Orphans: An Open Access Approach to Hostage Works (PDF 323Kb)
by Lydia Pallas Loren
- Atomism and Automation (PDF 272Kb)
by Molly Shaffer Van Houweling
- Orphan Works As Grist for the Data Mill (PDF 712Kb)
Online: http://btlj.org/2013/03/11/volume-27-issue-3-symposium-2012/
via http://lawprofessors.typepad.com/law_librarian_blog/2013/04/orphan-works-and-mass-digitization.html