Authors Guild verliert Prozess gegen Google (Books) im US District Court Southern District of New York

Die Klage der Autorenvereinigung Authors Guild gegen Google wegen des unerlaubten Digitalisierens von Büchern wurde von Richter Denny Chin heute am 14.11.2013 zu Gunsten von Google entschieden. Unter anderem sprach er aus:

In my view, Google Books provides significant public benefits. It advances the progress of the arts and sciences, while maintaining respectful consideration for the rights of authors and other creative individuals, and without adversely impacting the rights of copyright holders. It has become an invaluable research tool that permits students, teachers, librarians, and others to more efficiently identify and locate books. It has given scholars the ability, for the first time, to conduct full-text searches of tens of millions of books. It preserves books, in particular out-of-print and old books that have been forgotten in the bowels of libraries, and it gives them new life. It facilitates access to books for print-disabled and remote or underserved populations. It generates new audiences and creates new sources of income for authors and publishers. Indeed, all society benefits.

Similarly, Google is entitled to summary judgment with respect to plaintiffs‘ claims based on the copies of scanned books made available to libraries. Even assuming plaintiffs have demonstrated a prima facie case of copyright infringement, Google’s actions constitute fair use here as well. Google provides the libraries with the technological means to make digital copies of books that they already own. The  purpose of [p. 26] the library copies is to advance the libraries‘ lawful uses of the digitized books consistent with the copyright law. The libraries then use these digital copies in transformative ways. They create their own full-text searchable indices of books, maintain copies for purposes of preservation, and make copies available to print-disabled individuals, expanding access for them in unprecedented ways. Google’s actions in providing the libraries with the ability to engage in activities that advance the arts and sciences constitute fair use.

Das Einscannen von Millionen Büchern und die Online-Zurverfügungstellung von kurzen Auszügen (so genannten „Snippets“) entsprächen dem „Fair Use“ des amerikanischen Urheberrechts. Die Author’s Guild hat bereits angekündigt, in die nächste Instanz zu gehen.

Summary judgment order in Authors Guild v. Google (Google Books)

Google Books ruling on fair use.pdf

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