We are seeking PhD students to work on 2 fully-funded research projects in partnership with The British Library. Both projects have a collections focus and require experience of working in an academic or research library together with a Masters degree in librarianship or a related subject. Students expecting to obtain a Masters degree this summer may also apply. Only UK or EU residents are eligible. The positions are available from October 2010 and the awards cover tuition fees and maintenance grants of c£13.5K per annum for three years.
Project 1 is an AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Award for research on Evaluating the Intellectual Assets of the Scholarship & Collections Directorate at the British Library, which is expected to include two periods of 4 and 8 months working at the British Library in London, for which additional maintenance is payable. It will be supervised by Prof Sheila Corrall and Barbara Sen at Sheffield and Oliver Urquhart- Irvine at the British Library.
Project 2 is a British Library-University of Sheffield Concordat Scholarship for research on Conceptualising the Library Collection for the Digital World and will take the form of a case study of social enterprise, building on a recent collaborative graduate internship project to establish a collection framework for this area. It will be supervised by Prof Sheila Corrall and Prof Peter Marsh at Sheffield and Sue Ashpitel at the British Library.
The DEADLINE for applications is midnight on FRIDAY 16 JULY. Interviews will be held in LONDON on THURSDAY 23 July.
Applications should be sent by email to s.m.corrall@sheffield.ac.uk and should include the following:
- a covering letter explaining your motivation for undertaking doctoral research, your interest in the project(s) applied for and the expertise you can bring to the project;
- a full CV;
- an example of recent written work demonstrating your research ability and writing skills (e.g. a student assignment, project report or published article); – contact details including email addresses for 2 referees, at least one of whom can comment on your academic ability.
Further details of both projects are available on the PhD Scholarships section of our website at http://www.shef.ac.uk/is/research/phd_mphil/fee_scholar.html .
More information is available from Sheila Corrall at s.m.corrall@sheffield.ac.uk