10 Technologietrends für die Bibliothekswelt 2009

Michael Stephens gibt in seinem Blog „Tame The Web. Libraries, Technology and People“ alljährlich einen Überblick über jene technologischen Trends, welche seiner Meinung nach im neuen Jahr eine besondere Bedeutung für die Bibliothekswelt haben werden. Für 2009 sind das

  1. The Ubiquity of the Cloud
  2. The Changing role of IT
  3. The Value of the Commons
  4. The Promise of Micro-Interaction
  5. The Care & Nurturing of the Tribe
  6. The triumph of the Portable Device
  7. The importance of Personalization
  8. The impact of Localization
  9. The evolution of the Digital lifestyle
  10. The shift toward Open Thinking
  11. Conclusion, or „What you shouldn’t ignore about these points:“

Finally – the common themes present through all of these trends and technologies? I’ve been keeping a list and it looks something like this:

Five Related Things We Just Can’t Ignore in Libraries:

  • Privacy: We need to rethink our privacy concerns, offer varying levels of opt-in and educate all of our users about what it means to participate in the networked world where our lifestreams are saved throughout the cloud.
  • The Environment: Saving money is important but also saving resources. As you plan your new buildings and new services, how can we lessen the impact on the world?
  • The Nature of Information: It’s very different than it was 10 years ago. People are finding stuff „on the fly“ and „just in time.“ How can we still play a role?
  • Generation C: Young people are growing up to be creators. Our spaces and policies as well as offerings should appeal to that mindset. Let them create along with you.
  • Telling Our Story Well to Funding Bodies: Tough economic times spell disaster for library funding. Make sure you are telling your story well in various marketing and communication channels. It’s no excuse to say „we don’t have any money to do that“ when examples above highlight ways to reach out and engage your users and funders with simple, open tools.

To sum up, these are the things I think we’ll be talking about in 2009. They will impact our lives, our jobs and our future. How did I do? What did I miss? What would you add?


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