Sehr geehrte Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
das Institute of Science and Technology Austria in Klosterneuburg bei Wien möchte zum 1.1.2012 die Bibliothek personell verstärken. Dafür suchen wir eine/n Junior Expert Library. Die Stelle ist unbefristet. Details entnehmen sie bitte den Ausschreibungstext:österreich-102468504.aspx
- Repository Management
- Correction and normalization of data in the publication database
- Support for scientists entering data in the publication database and adding documents to the repository
- Handling of document delivery requests
- Cataloging on a simple level
- Project coordination for further development of repository and publication database (like integration of research data in repository in 2012)
- Education in the field of libraries, archives and/or museums or similar
- Accurate and reliable teamplayer
- MS/Open Office knowhow
- Basic knowledge of library and information sector
- Very good command of German and English
- Experience in the area of libraries and research institutes is advantageous (special in the area of digital services)
- Willingness to go on training abroad
Bei Rückfragen können Sie sich gerne an mich wenden. Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Patrick Danowski
Institute of Science and Technology Austria
Am Campus 1 A-3400 Klosterneuburg
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