Springer Verlag veröffentlicht Policy zur Zweitveröffentlichung von Buchkapiteln #openaccess #Zweitveröffentlichung

Self-archiving for non-open access books and chapters

Authors whose work is accepted for publication in a non-open access Springer book may deposit their author’s accepted manuscript (AAM) in their institutional or funder repository, provided that the following conditions are observed.

The author’s accepted manuscript is the version of the book manuscript accepted for publication after peer review, but prior to copyediting and typesetting. The self-archived AAM should not include any changes made after the point of editorial acceptance. Any necessary amendments or corrections to article content should be made to the version of record (VoR) on the publisher platform.


Mehr dazu findet sich hier: https://www.springer.com/gp/open-access/authors-rights/self-archiving-policy/2124

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