Barbara Fister widmet auf Inside Higher Eduaction einen Artikel dem Mythos einer bücherlosen Bibliothek:
Ten years ago, Abigail Sellen and Richard Harper published a nifty book about how and why people use paper in their workplaces. The Myth of the Paperless Office reported ethnographic observations of people struggling to do things with computers that they were used to doing on paper; sometimes there were good reasons why paper was so persistent. The title reminded us that the “paperless office” we were promised decades ago is a joke – on us. We use more paper than ever and manage to have disorderly desktops both literally and digitally. That’s a funny kind of progress.
Now we have the bookless library. …
No matter how innovative the bookless library sounds, this isn’t a situation we planned. If the academic library of the future is bookless, it won’t be because of vision. It will be because of the lack of it.
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