HOUSE OF BOOKS – ein Fotoprojekt von Franck Bohbot

2015-01-07 09_38_19-Franck Bohbot's Portfolio - House of Books (work in progress)

Franck Bohbot ist ein französischer Fotograf, der nun in New York lebt. Ein momentan laufendes Projekt widmet sich dem „House of Books“:

This is an ongoing project. The series started in Paris then Roma. I plan to photograph Libraries in Europe, South America, Asia and North America. This is about the places that we have learned and were the books stay for decade. Paying tribute to the Architects. the light, the composition and the colors have to be coherent in all the series.

I am not the only one who photograph libraries. Many architectural photographers has produced beautiful pieces.

In House of Books, i wanted to give a new approach, in term of atmosphere, colors and composition. And, I will also included contemporary libraries, small rooms and entrances.

This is a long project, and this is the beginning. Feel free to send me an email if you have a secret place in your mind! Thank you


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