Und wieder eine Neuerung auf Google-Seite: Google Scholar Citations und Wissenschaftler-Profile
Today we’re introducing Google Scholar Citations: a simple way for you to compute your citation metrics and track them over time.
We use a statistical model based on author names, bibliographic data, and article content to group articles likely written by the same author. You can quickly identify your articles using these groups. After you identify your articles, we collect citations to them, graph these citations over time, and compute your citation metrics. Three metrics are available: the widely used h-index, the i-10 index, which is the number of articles with at least ten citations, and the total number of citations to your articles. We compute each metric over all citations as well as over citations in articles published in the last five years. These metrics are automatically updated as we find new citations to your articles on the web.
You can enable automatic addition of your newly published articles to your profile. This would instruct the Google Scholar indexing system to update your profile as it discovers new articles that are likely yours. And you can, of course, manually update your profile by adding missing articles, fixing bibliographic errors, and merging duplicate entries. …
etwa Albert Einstein als Beispiel:
- http://googlescholar.blogspot.com/2011/07/google-scholar-citations.html
- http://wisspub.net/2011/07/28/google-scholar-citations/
- http://blogs.plos.org/mfenner/2011/07/27/google-scholar-citations-researcher-profiles-and-why-we-need-an-open-bibliography/
- http://www.scinoptica-wissenschaftsberatung.com/pages/posts/zitationstracking-und-autorenprofile-in-googlescholar-33.php
- http://wiwi-werkbank.de/2011/07/google-scholar-citation-gefahr-fur-social-science-citation-index/#more-4027