Tools for Provenance and Bibliographical Research, CERL Workshop (Wien, 20.06.2012)

Die Sammlung von Handschriften und Alten Drucken der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek veranstaltet gemeinsam mit dem Consortium of European Research Libraries (CERL) ein Symposium zum Thema „Tools for Provenance and Bibliographical Research“.

Termin: 20.6.2012  9:00 bis 13:00

Ort: Oratorium der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek (Eingang: Josefsplatz,

Bitte um Anmeldung per email an: bis spätestens 14.6. 2012

Das vorläufige Programm:


CERL Workshop, Vienna, ONB Oratorium
Wednesday 20 June 2012, 9:00 – 13.00

Heritage of the printed Book Database (HPB)

Over 3,500,000 records of books printed before 1830 extracted from European (and one American) Research libraries, includingRussia, theBalticRepublics, andEastern Europe. Records can be searched irrespectively of the language of the individual catalogues thanks to the assisted search offered by the CERL Thesaurus. How to retrieve provenance data from HPB records.

CERL Thesaurus of Places, Printers, Personal Names, Corporate Names, Provenance

A unique facility developed to address the particularly European issue that place names and personal names varied from country to country in the period of hand-press printing (1450-c.1830). The entries include variant spellings, forms in Latin and other languages, and fictitious names.

More than 6,000 printing places; many geo-referenced (and displayed in Google maps) and linked to records describing printers who were active in that particular place.

More than 32,000 printers and other persons or corporate entities involved in the physical production and distribution of books. Links to digitised printers devices.

Approximately 700,000 persons and 10,000 corporate bodies that have been involved in the intellectual production of books, as authors, translators, editors, artists, and of course as book-owners.

Personal and corporate names are linked to their relatives, predecessors, successors, members, co-workers, etc. wherever possible. Many records contain biographical and bibliographical information, list of works written or worked on, and links to external resources, such as extensive biographies, etc.

CERL Portal

Gives access to description of manuscripts of all periods and early printed material in collections in Europe, US, andAustralia. It enables to search across the contents of online manuscript databases, and across manuscript and bibliographical databases, by this means overcoming the historical differentiation of printed books and manuscripts in libraries.

The Portal offers free distributed access to thirteen catalogues of manuscript collections and six selected early-printed books catalogues which are available for interrogation via the OAI or the Z39.50 protocols

Index Possessorum Incunabulorum (IPI)

IPI contains some 32,000 entries relating to the ownership of incunabula, including personal names, institutional names, monograms, and arms.


Material Evidence in Incunabula (MEI)

A new database designed to record and search the material evidence (or copy specific, post-production evidence, provenance information) of 15th-century printed books: ownership, decoration, binding, manuscript annotations, stamps, prices, etc.

MEI is linked to the Incunabula Short-Title Catalogue (ISTC), from which it derives the bibliographical records, and it allows the user to combine search of bibliographical and copy-specific records.

Can You Help? Identifying Provenance Evidence

To find help in the identification of a book plate, binding stamp, library label, or to read and identify an owner’s inscription.

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