The Science & Technology Section and the Evidence for Global and Disaster Health (E4GDH) Special Interest Group of IFLA invite you to the IFLA Satellite Conference in Klosterneuburg (near Vienna), Austria on August 21, 2019. The Satellite Conference to the 85th WLIC of IFLA is supported by the Austrian Library Association (VÖB).
At the “Library Services for Open Science” conference in Austria we will discuss library services which go beyond the classical fields of Open Access and Research Data to support Open Science. Our speakers will showcase innovative ways in which libraries are developing services to foster Open Science. The organisers would like to explore what IFLA can do in the future to support the developments in Open Science.
“Open science is the movement to make scientific research, data and dissemination accessible to all levels of an inquiring society, amateur or professional.” (Wikipedia)
Open Science continues to become increasingly important for researchers as different funding agencies, like the European Union, start to require open access for research results.
The registration fee is 75€ or 50€ for members of the Austrian Library Association.
A small number of free registration places are available. Please apply with a statement about why you wish to participate in the meeting to If you have an issues with payment or registration please also feel free to contact us.