Die Emerald-Zeitschrift Library Hi Tech News sucht Beiträge: „LHTN is interested in articles of varying lengths, reports from relevant conferences, and case studies of library use of technology. The editors will work with authors that are new to LIS publishing, and those who are seeking outlets for reporting on practical uses of IT in libraries. Publishing your article in LHTN can be ‚a place to start,‘ analogous to a ‚poster session in print‘ and does not preclude publishing a more fulsome piece in a peer-reviewed journal at a later date. Readers consider LHTN the source to hear what’s coming next in terms of technology development for academic and public libraries“. U.a. zu folgenden Themen werden Artikel gesucht:
- New Web Browsers/Search Engines
- Virtual Reference/Pilots/Experiments
- Library Uses of Skype/VOIP
- Blogging
- Library Mobile Applications
- Social Networks/Collaboration
- Virtual Worlds
- Instructional Technology
- Twitter Applications for Libraries
- Gaming and Simulations
- Digital Textbooks
- Citation Managers
- Open Source Software
- Metadata and Tagging
- Crowdsourcing
- Web analytics tools
- Web 3.0 and the semantic web
Mehr dazu im Call for Papers.