LIBER Collection Security Conference (Den Haag, 23.11.2012)

Date: Friday 23 Noverber 2012, 9:00 – 18:00h
Location: Koninklijke Bibliotheek, The Hague

The 4th LIBER Collection Security Conference will be held on Friday 23 November 2012 in the National Library of The Netherlands in The Hague. Previous conferences were held in Copenhagen (2002), Paris (2004) and London (2008) and addressed the international (European) library world. The 2012 conference will be organized by the Dutch National Library and National Archives and address both the library and archival world, as libraries and archives both face the same problems regarding collection security.

The aim of the conference is to share information and experiences, to increase awareness and to explore the possibilities for joint initiatives or projects. Our collections are there to be used, but how best to keep them safe? The previous conferences have proved to be very fruitful in this respect to all participants, but still we regularly hear about serious incidents concerning thefts from libraries and archives. And threats still come from inside and outside.

International speakers from libraries and archives will share their experiences in the conference. Other papers will focus on prevention and on what happens after a theft has taken place.

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