Bringing EOSC Task Force Outcomes to the Austrian Research Data Management Community

Since 2020, the EOSC Association has been leading the charge mandated by the European Commission to create a federated, interoperable structure for data, especially data produced by publically funded research projects. To start giving shape to the European Open Science Cloud, 13 Task Forces were formed (2021-2023) on various aspects of research data management, most

World Usability Day

Am World Usability Day finden zahlreiche On- und Offline-Veranstaltungen zur Usability statt. Online und vor Ort.

BIBFRAME Workshop in Europe 2023

The aim of the BIBFRAME Workshop in Europe is to be a forum for sharing knowledge about the practice of, production with, and planning of BIBFRAME implementation. We bring together people working in the transition from MARC to Linked Data using the BIBFRAME model and related tools. The workshop areas are strongly focused on the

LD4 Conference 2023

Save the date for this year’s LD4 Conference: July 10th through July 14th, 2023. The conference will be held virtually this year and is open to anyone passionate about adopting linked data in libraries. Please see the 2022 LD4 conference website for past conference programming. Keep an eye out for a call for proposals and