BIBFRAME Update Forum

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30. January 2023 17:00 - 18:00

Library of Congress January 2023 BIBFRAME Update Forum
Monday, January 30, 2023: 1:00 PM ET - 2:00 PM ET (10:00 AM PT - 11:00 AM PT)

Library of Congress BIBFRAME Update (click to access program)
Several large institutions have recently focused on the open source system Folio for development of a BIBFRAME/Linked Data library system. This BIBFRAME Update will examine how the community development of Folio will help to introduce BIBFRAME and Linked Data and also the need for control of diverse models.

Leading off will be Sebastian Hammer, president of the company that spearheaded the initial design of the Folio "core" system. He will be describing the open nature of Folio and how vendors might use all or parts of Folio in BIBFRAME-based implementations. Jeremy Nelson will tell about Stanford's journey thus far in migrating to Folio and at the same time combining systems in several of Stanford's libraries. Jason Kovari from Cornell describes the vision and use cases being discussed among the FOLIO community about the management of entities in a FOLIO implementation. And Melanie Wacker from Columbia, the co-chair of an important international group, BIBFRAME Interoperability Group (BIG), that is delving into interchange among various systems or even different implementations of the same system, will indicate where their discussions are currently headed.

Be ready for a few questions for the speakers and other panel members.

Join us for this Monday afternoon (or morning depending on your time zone) program!

BIBFRAME Possibilities in Folio (Sebastian Hammer, Index Data)
Stanford's Challenges with Folio (Jeremy Nelson, Stanford University)
Folio Community addressing Entity Management (Jason Kovari, Cornell University)
Points from BIG discussions of Interoperability with Flexibility (Melanie Wacker, Columbia University)
Q&A Panel (Moderator: Kevin Ford)

The session will be recorded and available for viewing later via a link from the LC BIBFRAME homepage.

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