2010 LIBER Annual Conference

Dear colleagues,

The 2010 LIBER Annual Conference (http://www.liber2010.eu) will take place on the beautiful premises
of Aarhus University in Denmark from 29 June to 2 July 2010.

Theme of this year’s conference is ‚Re-inventing the Library. The Challenges of the new Information Environment‘.

The Conference keynote speakers will be

  • Clifford Lynch (Coalition for Networked Information, USA): „The future arrives: scholarly practice, scholarly communication and the roles of libraries“
  • Heather Morrison (Simon Fraser University, Canada): „The role of the research library in an emerging global public sphere“
  • Jon Orwant (Google, USA): „Deriving the library from first principles“
  • Lee Dirks (Microsoft, USA): „The next generation scholarly communication ecosystem: implications for librarians“
  • Brian Lavoie (OCLC, USA): „Sustainable Economics for a Digital Planet: Ensuring Long-term Access to Digital Information“

Take a look at the exciting conference programme including Master Classes, parallel sessions and posters.

Register TODAY on http://www.liber2010.eu. Final registration deadline is 14 June !

Please remind that SAS is the official airline carrier for LIBER 2010. In order to obtain a discount on your flight to Aarhus, go to the conference website http://www.statsbiblioteket.dk/liber2010/sas-official-airline-1 and follow the instructions there.

We look forward to meeting you this summer in Aarhus!

LIBER Executive Director

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